Saturday, March 15, 2008

Thing #15 Audiobooks and eBooks

I love to read. I love books. I love audiobooks. Reading books is such a pleasant pastime -- I can learn, I can be entertained, I can be scared, cry, and laugh out loud. There are few things I enjoy more than curling up with a great book and getting lost in the pages. I never thought that I would like listening to the book -- and, honestly, it took awhile to get into the mindset of listening to the story. Once I found a great narrator, then the deal was done.

I remember how much I loved having my mom read to me when I was little and, in a way, I find the same comfort in someone reading the story to me. I find that my imagination takes off and the visual imagery is at a peak -- maybe even more than reading the book. It is perfect for multi-tasking (I don't know if that is a good thing, or bad) as I can enjoy a good book while I'm doing some of the most mundane of chores (I can find little about cleaning house and doing laundry exciting) or long distance driving. Add the element of a great story, and the time whizzes by.

There is a time and place for everything -- audiobooks are finding their way, more and more, into my life...and I love them!
Now...eBooks. That's another story. I think that I stare at a computer screen enough; I don't want my "downtime" to also include a computer monitor. I think that access to eBooks will be incredible for in-school (we all know the textbook story), great for personal research, and research for school (at home). I however, for reading enjoyment, prefer to stick to my great hardbound books and an occasional audiobook.

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